So, What Do You Read?

After I graduated college, I had an influx of spare time (plus a new Kindle), and decided to get back into reading. I read 103 books that first year. While I’ve been on the decline ever since, reading is still an important thing that I like a lot!

Initially, I wanted to read all the classics and popular new books that I’d missed out on while I was in college. Now I read a lot of sci-fi, especially by non-white, non-cis-male authors. I try to keep up with design books as well.

What Should I read?

The answer is “it depends,” but here are some books that I’ve really enjoyed over the last few years:

  • An incredible feat of worldbuilding and characterization: the Machineries of Empire trilogy by Yoon Ha Lee (starting with Ninefox Gambit)

  • A calm, deep treatise that you can sink into like a river: How to Do Nothing by Jenny Odell

  • An exploration of death and life: Being Mortal by Atul Gawande

Me, smiling, with a list of the 103 books I read in 2018.

Me, smiling, with a list of the 103 books I read in 2018.